Nike Vapor

James Owen Design and Nike teamed up to create fresh package design and eye wear cases for the Nike Vapor Strobe Eye wear product. We love the continuity of the design from the product design, the case, and the packaging design, the used of the green and black on every element (even a tiny hint of it on the case).“Nike Vapor Strobe Packaging – Innovative eye wear technology requires innovative package design. The Nike Vapor Strobe Eyewear improves athletic performance by enhancing visual skills such as focus, balance, peripheral vision, and reaction times by utilizing “strobing” or flashing LCD lens technology. That core functional benefit is communicated as soon as the user opens the box. Die-cut holes in the box top alternately hide and reveal, or “strobe” the Sparq green rectangles, as the lid is pulled up to uncover the eyewear case and accessories inside.