Clives Organic Dips

Believe In have recently completed a packaging project for a new range of organic dips developed by Clive's Organic. Our approach was to challenge packaging design in this market, currently saturated with uninspiring health food brands and larger supermarket 'own label' varieties who suffer from a lack of personality and brand appeal. Clive's new range challenges the competition in this area and stands apart from anything else on the market through clear differentiation — in both packaging and product. "Inspiration came directly from the product itself," explains Blair Thomson, Creative Director "the basic hand-drawn elements are abstract expressions of the dips and their ingredients. Bold use of color and shape differentiates between flavors. The overall result is a striking, distinctive on-shelf presence."The actual format of the sleeve was adapted to reveal as much of the content as possible and has been printed onto the reverse of a single-sided box board. This gives the outer sleeve a tactile finish which reinforces the organic handmade nature of the product. The pot itself has been sourced from 100% recycled materials and is itself fully recyclable. "Creating the packaging for this new addition to Clive's product range has allowed us to further develop the brand — conveying their unique combination of cheeky playfulness and confident sophistication that is otherwise missing from competing brands. The bold graphic identity and punchy colours differentiate beautifully in this niche market." Blair Thomson.