
Phytonet 2.jpg
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Created by Halley Co.

“ Phytonet is an ecological cleaning product of vegetable origin, 100% biodegradable, with proven effectiveness. It stands out in several respects: its composition, its militant philosophy, the modernity of its approach. The studio is in charge of creating its visual identity and packaging.

Context: the brand has established itself in a very competitive market and targets supermarket distribution networks. In recent years, the arrival on the market of an offer of green cleaning products with new graphics codes has paved the way for creative proposals that promote a certain idea of pleasure and joy in the home sector.

Proposal: on the basis of the Caravan graphic charter, draw labels illustrating these imaginary journeys, in the style of François Place’s Atlas of the Geographers of Orbae, respecting the color realm proper to each fragrance. “