Herman Miller Leaf Lamp

Some great packaging innovation by Yves Behar of fuseproject. The packaging for Herman Miller LEAF Light serves multiple purposes: it is a marketing vehicle, a point-of-sale display as well as a shipping box. The Herman Miller LEAF packaging is designed to continue the identity of the LEAF lamp by echoing the lamp design on the box and showcasing the signature LED glow. Additionally, the need was for the packaging to be environmentally conscious, another key tenet of the LEAF lamp design. With an innovative product such as the LEAF lamp, the packaging needed to showcase and highlight the lamp in order to begin the consumer-centric experience. The LEAF lamp is an innovation first product, allowing the user to control their lighting experience. Thus the packaging needed to play an important role in setting this lamp apart from other personal lighting products. The challenge for LEAF Packaging was first and foremost to provide a safe compartment for the actual product, without using tons of excess packaging. Secondly, the packaging also needed to continue the integration of the brand identity, extending to the web, logo development, and media outlets. Finally, it needed to be the first ambassador of the LEAF brand, conveying the unique and first-time innovative features of the LEAF lamp. The LEAF packaging is made of cardboard and the interior packaging materials are Ethafoam, ensuring that LEAF will arrive at the intended destination safely and securely. The lightweight but strong material protects LEAF from damage from impact without adding unnecessary weight or volume. The box breaks down to only minimal elements, the majority of which are easily reused or recyclable. Rather than just a generic black or brown box, the LEAF packaging immediately communicates the contents inside. The premium quality of LEAF is extended to the exterior packaging through the vivid graphics and high satin finish. The color of the plastic handle located on the top of the packaging box is the same color as the lamp inside, making it easy to identify and distinguish the multiple colors of LEAF. The packaging also communicates the first time innovative features of the LEAF Lamp. The front of the box features a halo of cool blue light on the left, with warm tones on the right. When the dual tonalities intersect, neutral white light is created. The logo mimics LEAF’s ability to transform; from a cool color spectrum for an efficient work light to a warm color for a reflective mood, as well as the continuous adjustment from bright to dark, educating the consumer on the transformative light qualities of LEAF. When the packaging is turned to the right, the full form of the LEAF lamp is displayed. From the quarter view, an image of the lamp mimics the fully extended angle of the light. By having just a glimpse of LEAF on the front of the packaging, it invites the consumer to come closer and inspect the box, discovering the distinctive shape of LEAF. The wrap-around photo of LEAF allows the different sides of different boxes to fit together, completing the image. A strong, iconic statement is created when several boxes are lined up, side by side, illustrating beautifully the light housed within. The elegance conveyed on the box, along with the environmentally constructed packaging elements further conveys the uniqueness of the LEAF brand. The packaging was designed with as much thought and attention as the product itself and with the consumer in mind from start to finish