The Black Grouse Whisky

Created by Taxi Studio

Demand for premium whisky continues to grow, owners of the world-renowned whisky, The Famous Grouse, recently approached Taxi Studio to redefine the packaging of The Black Grouse Alpha Edition, which is due to launch in Waitrose in the UK. The Alpha Edition is a more dramatic version of The Black Grouse, characterised by its richer, smokier flavour, as well as its depth, maturity and complexity. However, the existing design needed to communicate more of the whisky’s premium qualities and to improve stand-out of the charismatic black grouse bird that the whisky is named after. Design Director Jonathan Turner-Rogers said: “Our job was to sympathetically bring together the character of the black grouse, the Lek – a mating ritual which takes place in their natural habitat to establish the alpha male – and the unique whisky blend to deliver a darker, moodier, more premium addition to The Famous Grouse family.” Taxi’s new design features one letter on each side of the outer case to spell ‘ALPHA’. Each letter relates to the product story (for example L = Lek) and is supported by beautiful words courtesy of Taxi’s resident copy guru, Lindsay Camp. The result is both greater brand stand-out and an increased opportunity for shopper interaction in Duty-Free outlets, where dwell time is greater. Creative Director, Spencer Buck, said: “The black grouse is illustrated at dawn when the Lek takes place, the rising mist a nod to the whisky’s smoky notes. The dramatic result elevates the product’s premium cues whilst safeguarding the brand’s most precious equity: the grouse itself.”Alison Tuck, senior brand manager at The Famous Grouse, said: “Taxi Studio has done a fantastic job on the packaging, delivering a premium pack that brings to life the character of the whisky and the bird. The pack has great shelf impact – both the bottle and the carton are distinctive and iconic. The team at Taxi were great to work with – flexible and fast but always with an eye on delivering an outstanding solution and great client service.