Fisherman Boots

Created by GOOD! Agency.

The problem and solution: Instructed to develop a brand name goods for fishing, and as a consequence, the need for the development of brand packaging for this product. The first we packed up his boots. Boots for fishermen belong to a technical shoe, the special beauty of them is required. Often, the buyer is very difficult to choose between his boots from different manufacturers. The client set the task to develop a package, which stresses the dignity of all the shoes. In many ways, rubber boots - an underrated product. Everyone knows about their primary function - protection against water. But there are many advantages that are not visible at first glance, and on which the buyer often does not know. Standard boots for fishermen are able to protect the wearer from a lot of trouble.

The possibilities of how to portray these threats, we realized that to show the protective functions of the best boots on the example of fish. This is closer to the subject of fishing is more exciting is the opportunity to combine several types of threats in a single image. For example, an electric eel symbolizes the biological and electrical hazards. The package itself is designed as a mini stand, which creates the illusion of a boot that is immersed in water. Thus, the buyer can appreciate and understand the full range of protective properties of the product. The upper part of the package shows that in most cases you do not see what is happening under the water (because of the glare and ripples), but there lurks many dangers, and boots «Fisherman» successfully protect you it is them.