Heyoo Vitamins

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Created by IdeaDolls

Vitamin startup Chemimed were looking for a branding agency in London to create packaging for their debut range of value vitamins. Their brief was simple:  to create a brand and packaging design that would appeal to cost-conscious shoppers who want to live healthier lives but may be confused by the hard-to-navigate VMS category.

With a retailer already lined up, we were given one other specification – the design had to stand out against the dark lighting behind the till and be eye-catching enough to tempt busy Londis, Premier and Budgens shoppers who are unlikely to take their time browsing.

The VMS category in the UK is growing fast as we work harder, focus longer and want to feel better, be healthy, juggle work, kids, and grand plans for the future with not enough time to do any of it. Our research found that whilst being healthy was important, consumers were confused about what exactly this meant and which products would be most personally effective. Growth in the category was predicted to come from 25-45-year-olds in search of workable solutions to three everyday generational concerns:  fatigue, low focus, and lethargy. 

A sleek, clean, minimal design would stand out on shelves, cluttered and crowded with messaging and claims. To make the purchase experience more exciting than a trip to the GP we renamed the brand – what was Chemimed became Heyoo. We wanted the brand to be inviting, cooing to shoppers from on the shelves whilst addressing their three main drivers to purchase. Chemimed’s vitamin C became Heyoo Sleepyhead, their effervescent multivitamin – Heyoo Busybee; and the multivitamin capsule positioned as Heyoo Mastermind.

A clean, bold font and informal lower-case lettering is personable, yet demands attention. The tilted ‘e’ in the logo breaks up otherwise clean, straight lines.

The palette of bright, playful block colors was designed to evoke a clean, minimal yet personable feel, accented with a hand-drawn eye to demonstrate the humanist approach by the brand – a harmonious balance between structure and free-flow.

We hope that through simplicity, boldness, and lightness of tone, we can offer the price-conscious shopper a ‘feel-good’ brand experience, not commonly associated with vitamins. Heyoo is the ‘spoonful of sugar’ in the supplement purchase experience, guiding shoppers to a clutter-free experience.

 Healthy living shouldn’t be a luxury for those who can afford to shop premium. We hope to encourage positive daily rituals and healthy impulse purchases, by making affordable vitamins widely accessible and visually appealing. Bye-bye impulse snacks, heyoo to impulse health!