
Bottles of  ‘balance water’. An interesting use of watercolor technique for the label design.  The bottle structure reminds me of oxygen tanks. The Children package uses a shrink wrap with a colorful approach. See after jump... Does anyone know who design this package.Normally I have waste issues with bottled water - but -  balance is no ordinary drinking water. The Australian company makes water infused with flower essences. The company is also pretty cool. They reduce their carbon footprint by sourcing in the states and are looking into a biodegradable plastic alternative for packaging. Flower essences are very new to the mainstream US, but in Australia and many European companies they have been used for some time."Balance is the world's first non-flavored, bottled, spring water containing flower essences. By combining flower essences with natural spring water, Balance has created a pristine, clean refreshing water source offering the additional benefit of helping our bodies stabilize the stress and rigor of modern life. The founders of Balance Water Company, Peter Maher and Martin Chalk, introduced Balance into the market in September 2005 and in doing so created a new category of bottled water. The inclusion of flower essences that promote calmness and help relieve some of the stress and anxiety we all face as part of everyday life, separates Balance from the multitude of sports style, electrolyte-enhanced waters. Balance products do not contain any flavors, colors, preservatives, artificial additives, sugar or calories. Flower essences have been used by many cultures for centuries, most recently in preparations such as Rescue Remedy™. "more Balance after jump...As consumers embrace the health benefits of drinking several liters of water a day, they are seeking out functional alternatives to what has been available to date. Balance is fast becoming a popular choice, as indicated by the many well know Australians who have incorporated balance into their life.Balance for Mind • Balance for Women • Balance for Traveling • Balance for Children