WA|HH Caffeine Inhaler

The idea, was to create a way to deliver powerful olfactive and gustatory sensations with the smallest quantity of liquid with a convenient reloadable spray.Imagine the possibility of enjoying the sensorial pleasure of alcohol without the alcohol, or with very little of it, a minute spray of liquid that falls on your tongue. WA|HH Flash and Demon, the first two Quantum Sensations available over the summer of 2012 uniquely at The Lab Store Paris, deliver onto your favorite foods, or into your mouth, a burst of fresh flavor, resembling a flash of Vodka, or hot peppery spice. What accompanies these flavors is a minor lightheadedness, which passes in seconds, transient and pleasurable, like a lucky emotion.Wahh is the invention of David Edwards, the Harvard professor whose inhalable caffeine and smokable chocolate have appeared on this site before. Edwards’s line of “breathable food sprays” (yum!) called Quantum Sensations includes Aeroshot, a vaporizing caffeine inhaler that received over $8.5 million in venture funding earlier this year. Edwards collaborated with French designer Philippe Starck to bring us the latest Quantum Sensation, Wahh, which debuted last week in Paris.Can't wait to see who will be the first to partner or collaborate with this product. This will be a game changer.“What happens with the WA|HH? I take my WA|HH and with a single spray I feel a touch of euphoria thanks to an infinitesimal dose, a thousand times less than a glass of alcohol. The WA|HH is a modern and intelligent alternative aligned with our own evolution, as one of the clear signs of part of the intelligent human production is dematerialization”. -- Philippe Starck“WAHH Quantum Sensations contains in each quantum of flavor just 2 ml of liquid, and yet produces 20-25 actuations of vaporous sensation. It’s ability to deliver flavor with each actuation that grows in intensity with the vapor cloud of millions of tiny micro-droplets makes WAHH an exciting food spray for the future”. -- David Edwards