Sam Adams Barrel Room Collection

The Boston Brewing Company, makers of our beloved local brew Sam Adams, commissioned Adam&Co. to develop packaging for their premium product line called the Samuel Adams Barrel Room Collection. The collection is comprised of three unique beers, each aged in oak barrels. The beers include the Samuel Adams American Kriek (7%ABV), Samuel Adams New World Tripel (10%ABV), and the Samuel Adams Stony Brook Red (95ABV). They are sold individually in 750ml bottles, so the design challenge was to create a system that would hang together as a collection.While the collection initially contains only three varieties, Samuel Adams plans to introduce more in time. Therefore, the challenge set for Adam&Co was in how to design packaging that could be extended to a range of products, and tie together all of them in a series.The solution is in a color-based branding system, with bands around the neck of each bottle and panels on the main label. The mostly-monochrome packaging artwork is a departure from Samuel Adams's usual style, but appropriate for the limited edition of 750 mL "cork finished" bottles.