Embrace Your Element

Element Energy Drinks is a Europe based energy drink brand. Upon the launch of their new line of drinks the company wanted to create an online presence that would truly reflect the essence of the product and embrace the target audience in an effective way. In order to do so our team conceptualized a fully integrated digital campaign that would seduce the viewer with an edgy yet sleek and sexy design. CONCEPT - The “Embrace Your Element” digital campaign takes the user on a journey through nature aimed to rediscover the essence on being. By describing the key characteristics of each of the four elements, fire, water, air and earth, the user is taken on a mystical voyage to rediscover nature and the sense. By embracing each element the user proceeds through the various sections of the experience website, in a fully immersive environment, and guided by a narrating voice. Once all four elements are embraces, and consequently all sections are unlocked, the user is able to share his/her newly acquired knowledge of the elements with his/her friends via Facebook, twitter or email, further increasing the exposure of the brand and visualization of the online experience. Each element corresponds to a specific flavor of drink.